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G100: Local Sewer Rehab. 1

Washington, District of Columbia


Rehabilitation of 12,850 LF of CIPP liner ranging from 8-in. to 36-in. diameter, including cleaning and CCTV. Approximately 10,070 LF was 8-in to 18-in. diameter. Liner installation in dense residential neighborhoods, downtown business areas, and in city parks and open spaces.

Included 770 GAL Chemical grouting; cleaning, reinstating, trimming, or structural connections to 670 service laterals; Bypass pumping greater than 1.5, less than 10 MGD; installation of 6 new manhole structures; Reset and or seal 51 frame/cover assemblies; 450 VF of manhole cementitious coating, maintenance of traffic (MOT); contractor-led public outreach/notifications for lining installation.


Maintain bypass pumping without impeding access to local park / open space (historic C&O Canal Towpath)
Reduce construction impact on high-profile commercial district on major urban arterial


Worked with bypass subcontractor Sunbelt to use bypass flow-through ramp
Coordinated with DC Water for large liner installation during night hours outside of residential area where effective bypass pumping and virtually no lateral reinstatements allowed for efficient operations, zero odor/backup complaints, and minimal impact to traveling public
Worked with DC Water and subcontractor DACO Corporation to perform critical construction activities during off-hours and night shifts when both vehicular and pedestrian traffic were at lowest daily levels

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